ACID REFLUX - My newest success is a lady that my physician recommended to me. She's been on the products 9 days. She is looking at possible surgery to deal with her acid reflux problem plus she needs to lose 100 pounds. I put her on the "Quick Start plan plus Yellow and Herbal Aloe Concentrate". She's lost 5 pounds in those 9 days & even more exciting, she cannot remember the last time that she had an acid reflux symptom.. She's Excited! I'm Excited!
Kendra Tatsch
HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE - I have a customer who had high blood pressure before she started on our weight loss program ("Ultimate Plan minus Herbal Concentrate"). She is taking heavy duty blood pressure medicine and still had to be monitored by the doctor weekly. After just 3 days, her blood pressure began to lower. Her doctor has not taken her off of her medication, but the doctor told her 2 weeks ago not to come back for 2 weeks. When she went back today, her blood pressure was even better and she doesn't have to go back for a month. She's also having great weight loss results. She has lost 8 lbs & 13 inches in 4 weeks.
Kendra Tatsch
BRONCHITIS - I have gotten Bronchitis and laryngitis every May and September for the last 12 years, since I moved to East Texas! I took allergy shots 3 times a week for 3 years, allergy pills and sprays, and still kept getting sick! I would have to miss work since I had no voice and patients didn't want a sick nurse taking care of them!......I took "Schizandra, Rose Ox & Extreme C" for 1 1/2 months, when May came and went I didn't get sick! Now it's July and I never lost my voice, for the first time in 12 years!! AWESOME!! I love Herbalife products!!!
Rena Polczynski
BURNS - The small burn marks: I have a customer that has indentions all over her face, she used the "Gentle Exfoliant and the Hydrating Mask" twice every other day. She uses the "Randiance C Skin Booster" every day. She said she has definitely seen positive results. Her indentions are now a lot less noticeable. But, then again she has only been doing this for 1 month. She will continue on these products for as long as it takes because they work so well!!