Let's live through the frustrations & victories of Weight Loss together!

If you follow my lead, you can lose up to 25 pounds plus 2-5 inches in your first month!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Free Sample Link: www.ljjweightloss.com

When you order your free sample pack, fill out all information except the credit card info. Click the "Send Free Sample Pack" button at the bottom. This comes directly to me with out Credit Card Info. Free means Free!

Thanks so much!!
L.J. Jenkins

Thursday, June 10, 2010


You can go to www.ljjweightloss.com and put in all of your info except the credit card info and hit "send my free sample pack". This information gets to me WITHOUT YOUR CARD.
All "Sample Packs" are sent by me personally. No card necessary at this time!!

Sorry for the confusion.
L. J. Jenkins

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What Is In the Sample Pack.

"Total Control" is the first item in the diet sample pack. It is taken 3 times per day with meals. This product does 3 simple things:
BOOSTS ENERGY (Metabolism)

"Herbal Tea Concentrate" is instant tea with the anti-oxidant & thermogenic benefits of green tea. It is good hot or cold & helps you stay energized while you manage your weight.
Available in Original, Peach, Lemon & Raspberry flavors. Use 1/2 tea spoon of concentrate with 6-8 oz of hot or cold water.

"Lift Off" is an effervescent energy drink with levels of Panax ginseng & Ginkgo Biloba that can improve mental performance.
Also, contains 100% of your daily supply of vitamin C & more than 100% of your vitamins B6 & B12 for enhanced energy production.

"Protein Bar" This chewy delight includes 12 grams of hunger fighting protein & vital nutrients. Only 150 calories, it's a great between meal snack.

Just a Note: Eating large amounts of grains (breads & pastas) will slow your weight loss progress. Do Not Eliminate These Foods. Just eat a little less of them.
Proteins & Fibers work very well with this program.
REMEMBER: Drink lots of water. (3 liters throughout the day)

This is not a full weight loss program, I will post the "Quick Start Program" tomarrow.
Enjoy your samples!

L.J. Jenkins

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What Link?!

Yes...It's my husband...

He does make a good point. Losing weight with out exercise can be difficult or seemingly impossible! Everyone needs some physical activity, even if it's walking the dog or taking the long way to everywhere at work. Count your steps some time. Then add more to them each day. You might be surprised. Spend some time thinking about how to add steps in your normal daily routine.
Have a great evening.
L.J. Jenkins

Monday, June 7, 2010

This is for people starting after June 5, 2010

Just a quick note today. This blog is for people getting started on the weight loss program after June 5, 2010. That way you don't have to back log forever to get to the beginning. If you have not filled out the form on this link to get your samples, please do so ASAP as you don't want to fall behind. (Besides, I give them away for free). Please leave comments so we can get some good discussions going. Have a wonderful day.

L.J. Jenkins

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Using your sample pack

There are instructions included. I can not stress enough how important it is to drink 3 liters of water through out the day. The sample pack is not a full program but you will note being less hungry and having more energy. Feeling better in general is a huge step toward losing weight.

**Please do not drink diet soda or tea etc. Things that contain "Aspartame" are very detrimental to this weight loss program.